Moon in pisces moon trine neptune
Moon in pisces moon trine neptune

Saturn is a symbol for “matter” and Uranus is a symbol for the “divine”. As you explore the Saturn square Chiron aspect in synastry, you are faced with potential challenges and opportunities for growth within your relationships. Explore the astrological birth charts of famous people and celebrities with an advanced search of … Saturn Saturn in your natal chart describes your relationship with structure, discipline, maturity, and reality. The desire to break from the status quo is strong, but we may not have the necessary confidence to do so temporarily. If you have this aspect, you can learn more about it in this article. This aspect may cause difficulties early in life with self-esteem due to criticism from people, especially authority figures like your father. It has given me great depth and understanding of the currents and forces underlying our relationship which was in the end, unfortunately, quite psychologically … This echoes clearly the creation of a formal organisation (Saturn) to tackle the physical effects (1st House) of a degenerative (Pisces) disease. Allowing yourself to … See more As Saturn squares your natal Chiron, you may experience a profound encounter with the wounded healer archetype within yourself.

moon in pisces moon trine neptune

The hard aspects (Chiron square Jupiter, Chiron opposite Jupiter) are a bit trickier to deal with. Also taking into consideration that Jupiter is conjuncting my Chiron, Jupiter Opposite Saturn/Sun/Uranus, Chiron Square Chiron, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Pluto conjunct Neptune. I’m so sorry the road to that healing is paved with adversity stones so paint and arrange and decorate the stones however you wish. but it often brings what may be characterizes as a quirky, edgey or kinky vibration. Hardships surround this relationship and you can both easily become frustrated with each other. To do a T-Square you have to provide the missing Energy yourself, the Energy residing in the Vacancy that would complete the Grand Cross. this shows an inherent resistance to a comitted relatioship on is part. You might be waiting on an answer or message- it's coming.Saturn square chiron. And part of that release will be accepting Mercury Rx's delays - events will be moving according to a higher schedule and you'll just have to deal with that. The theme is also about releasing control - accepting what you can't fix and moving forward with what remains. And you've already received your dose of humbling via whatever Neptune took away. Don't be put off by the ease - Virgo is suspicious of anything that doesn't involve grit and humbling but a trine is meant to be easy.

moon in pisces moon trine neptune moon in pisces moon trine neptune

Perhaps an oddly effective solution presents itself and it's almost too easy. Perhaps some unique upgrades or untried methods. And, look to the Uranus trine for assistance - there will be an outlet that encourages natural, unforced movement in a new and unexpected direction. The new chapter must be done correctly because there are some very specific duties but where to begin?Įxpect progress once Mercury goes direct. So there will be a pause before things get rolling- maybe you're trying to figure out what's real vs what's impossible to perfect or maybe there's energy drain/confusion, making it difficult to get up to speed. And, Mercury (ruler of Virgo) is still Rx, stationing direct on the 15th.


Even after the ending that precedes this, your next step forward (how to upgrade, how to help, what to focus on) will be doubtful. There will be questions about what's true or correct.

moon in pisces moon trine neptune

You'll be aiming for something exact in the areas of health, service, improvements but (initially) the goal may be vague. A loss, dissolution or sacrifice leads to a new chapter that refines what's left after the rest has faded away. The Virgo New Moon (21 deg, 9:39 pm EDT) trines Uranus Rx in Taurus (22 deg) and opposes Neptune Rx (26 deg).Īs with all New Moons that oppose a planet, this will be a mixture of endings and beginnings.

Moon in pisces moon trine neptune